Once upon a time there was a movie with Kevin Costner (when he was much much younger and not as hunky, he was way to skinny in my opinion) and he built a baseball field for baseball players who had passed so that they had somewhere to come and play. The saying has since become a well used one and whilst some people use it to refer to buildings or architecture that is something special I am using it for something completely different. My different thing is FLEAS! My "build it" is our poor, poor dog, and the "they will come" is the amazingly humongous amount of horrendous little jumping buggers that are swamping her little body, and to make it all the more fun for her they have caused a horrible rash to appear that has turned her into a half bald excuse for a dog. She has lost patches of fur from her hind quarters and it looks like she has done battle with the Demon Barber of Fleet Street and had won by escaping through a window! So today after a trip to the vet to buy some very highly priced flea killer ( my stock tip is to invest in a flea and tick control company cause I think that apart from Apple you are pretty much guaranteed your money returned two fold with these companies!) the poor puppy was shaved so that we could get all the fleas off her and make sure that the flea treatment was absorbed into her skin properly, she used to be a fluffy Maltese cross who had lots and lots of fur and has now become this:

Yes she does look like a very sad puppy now, but with luck in 24 hours we will be flea free and we will be able to have her sit with us without feeling the jump of little feet on any bare piece of skin, well at least that is what the Frontline people say will happen, I, on the other hand, have my doubts, but I am always willing to be proved wrong.
Well my friends have a wonderful Friday and a sleep filled Saturday morning, at least that's my plan! xoxoxoxoxo
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