Monday, November 14, 2011


I am sorry for the delay in posting, I have been a little unwell these last few days and now I am back on the Auto-immune disease merry-go-round. This is just a fancy way of saying we have no clue why your body is attacking itself but it is very interesting! Maybe this time around they can narrow it down a little better so that I can get the right medication and settle myself the heck down!! It can be quite exhausting and it is quite painful but with luck the medication the doctor gave me today will help to ease the pain, help me sleep and make the simplest tasks simple again.

Well, enough whining and being a sookie lala and onto something far more interesting and fun :) I have finished making my mums Snape Potterpuff into a cushion and apart from a slight problem where I ran out of green yarn it looks fabulous, I must admit though I rather like the black stripe across the top it makes the cushion look far more dramatic than if I had used the green all the way. So without further ado here is Snape in all his finished glory:

I couldn't resist showing the front off again, sorry for the blatant display of Snapeness!! I have also begun the Harry Potterpuff goodness and I am enjoying him so very much, the pink that is his background is just amazing and really seems to make him "pop", just a small amount done but still soooooooo pretty:

And finally something to make you smile, my poor BooBoo trying to pull herself onto the lounge to rescue her ball from the clutches of the evil children!!!! lol

Take care and enjoy your day where ever you are.


  1. Angela! Sorry I didn't get back to your e-mails!
    Hot-Pink-Harry is shaping up to be FANTASTIC!!!! Can't wait!!
    Also LOVE the way you've finished your Snape cushion! Too cute! Can't wait to hear about the reaction to them on chrissy morning!!

  2. Thanks Lee, I can't wait to see my mums reaction either!
