This is how I spent around 8 hours yesterday afternoon, for the rest of the evening I sparkled every time the light hit my face making me look very much in the Christmas Spirit.
I had to make 15 cards to cover my list, and I am more than sure that I have managed to forget someone!
We also made a kitchy Christmas tree using ornaments that we had made at home and using a can of gold spray paint and a branch that I picked up on one of our walks, the kids and I liked it but LovelyHubby is still a little dubious. I have always felt guilty about chopping down a tree for just a few weeks of Christmas joy so I do not buy ones that are not in pots, but this year they are asking an extreme amount of money for a tiny tree that does not look like it will hold one ornament let alone a bunch of home made ornamental goodness.
It does look a lot better in the light because you can see all the gold shimmer but we had rain today so I still couldn't get a better picture, hopefully tomorrow will grant me a better photo!
I have also done a little more on Harry so he is coming along, all be it slowly, and I am fighting a huge urge to make some socks, I haven't made any in a long time and I am finding it a hard battle to fight. I may cave in tonight and cast on a pair......
Maybe Harry could be a Mother's Day gift instead of Christmas and then I could, without guilt, cast on my longed for socks.
I hope your Sunday evening is a calm one with lots of cups of tea and good t.v. viewing, may I recommend Mildred Pierce and Boardwalk Empire, both wonderful shows that are great to crochet or knit socks too!
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