Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

How scary to think that we are already into the year 2012, I remember watching the Jetsons when I was little and I am pretty sure that by now, according to cartoons, we should be living in funky sky houses with robot maids and flying cars, but no we are not really much more forward than we were last year or come to think of it at the start of this millennium. It is strange to think that when the Jetsons was created the thought of living in 2012 was almost as far away as the moon and yet here we are plodding along with our little selves still making mistakes and still not owning a flying car!

I do have a half a ta-dah, perhaps I should call it a ta or a -dah depending on if you, like me, knit the second sock first and the first sock second. So this is my -dah for today, it is the second sock of a soon to be pair for my dad's birthday.

I decided that this year I would make everyone a pair of socks for their birthday, I wasn't particularly making this pair for my dad but it soon became apparent that these babies were for people who have mahoosive hoofers and the only person I can think of who has big hoofers is my dad, so they have been placed into his birthday pile.  I do have a slight problem with LovelyDaughter1's 16th birthday just a scant 4 weeks away but with some luck I should have dad's other sock off the needles soon and hers begun before it is time to panic.

Have you ever seen something so strange that you have thought "Now I've seen it all!" well today whilst doing our regular weekly shop I discovered this sitting in the supermarket, now remember we are only just into January, and Christmas wrapping paper is still lurking under the lounge chairs waiting for the dog to attack it and shred it into little bits,

Yes, they are Hot Cross Buns!!!! in January!!!!! and to add to further discombobulation to my brain there were Easter Eggs chilling by the milk!!!!!! Even LovelyHubby was a little taken aback by the earlyness of this Easteryness, what on earth are the supermarkets thinking, Eastery bits and bobs while they are still getting rid of the left over Christmas stock!


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