Saturday, September 10, 2011

My eggs are now cosy!

Today, being a Saturday, I decided that instead of cleaning like I usually do I would do almost nothing at all except the bare minimum, this for me is quite unusual because weekends I am usually cleaning and baking or running about with the kids. I quite felt like a day off so after a few quick jobs and a run to the dvd store for some old movies to keep everyone happy we sat down for a day of movies and knitting. Our movies consisted of Planet of the Apes, Mean Girls, Brokeback Mountain, and one of my choosing Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus! My love of B grade movies is the stuff of legend in my family and I have been called upon many times to answer Trivial Pursuit questions that no one else has the vaguest clue too all because of my love of the crappest movies on this planet, possibly all the planets!

So whilst watching the above mentioned movies I knit using my new Addi Circular needles that my LovelyHubby bought for me, truly one of the best, most amazingly nice set of needles I have ever used, and I knit an Egg Cosy. Please allow me to introduce George:

Isn't he lovely! I really enjoyed making him and I plan on making a whole family for him. He only used up a tiny bit of yarn and no stuffing at all so he was very economical and when Daughter2 had egg and soldiers for dinner it kept her second egg very warm and toasty until it was ready to have it's head chopped off and toast dunked into! 

Well I am off to watch my Dr Who with a cup of tea and my new favourite biscuit the HobNob, my goodness they are a bit pricey but I have made one packet last me and the dog nearly two weeks, she is rather fond of a HobNob too especially if I dunk it in my cup of tea before she eats it!

Enjoy your Saturday evening xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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