Recently my Lovelymum and Lovelydad went on a trip to New Zealand and before they left they asked what gifts they could bring back for the family, Lovelydaughter1 wanted no gift instead she wanted to carry their luggage and be the quality controller for their hotel! Sadly she was not needed for this position and decided that a Tiki would sort of make up for the lack of travel and helpfulness that she was willing to provide, everyone else was in agreement that a Tiki sounded like a top gift to get and were eagerly awaiting for the arrival of their loot. I, on the other hand, was really specific about what I would like for my gift, I have for a long time coveted one thing from the Land of the Long White Cloud, something that feels like a soft fluffy cloud actually, and thanks to my wonderful and very patient Mum and Dad I received my prize, so here without further ado is my gift!
If you can't read the label, and I can't blame you I took nothing but shocking photo's today, I have in my hot little hand a ball of Possum Yarn in Brilliant Red!!!!! I have read how soft and amazing this yarn is but I never realised that it would be this soft and amazing, I cannot wait to start knitting something with this yarn but for the moment I have it sitting in my knitting bag just waiting for the right inspiration to hit me, I am thinking one of my animals but I am worried that making a possum out of yarn made from possum might be a little mean.
I also thought I would share with you my latest purchase, it is no secret to anyone who knows me that I lurrrrrves me a cup of tea, and I particularly lurrrrrves me a big, huge, mahoosive cup to drink from and today I found a cup so big that Tinkerbell could swim laps in it!
And to make it even better it was for the bargain basement price of $2.00!!
And now my cup of tea is calling my name, enjoy your Thursday.
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