It is, once again, time for Australia to have five -yup, count 'em- five timezones! Every year there are scratched heads as one tries to work out whether ringing Perth at 9am from Sydney means that you are calling them at 7am, 6am or probably 5am. We have lost a whole hours sleep, now the mornings are dark and the kids bodies are so very confused about what time is actually sleep time, and as they have been on holidays for a week and a half already their body clocks are not actually sleepy till what is now midnight, whilst my body could pretty much drop around 8pm even if that used to be 7pm!!
But there is one small benefit to all these late nights by the family, I still get up early because of this:
Yup, the dog has a bathroom clock firmly installed in her body and 8am is the latest she can stay in bed, so she and I get up and after she has been outside and I have fed, scooped and swept the cats house out we go back inside settle on the couch with a cup of tea and while I knit and watch t.v. she sleeps soundly on my lap. This time of the morning is so very, very quiet and almost joyful, I can watch a murder mystery on the telly and not have to turn it up to catch the clues or dodge kids to see who did the actual deed, I, or should I say we, have enjoyed these last few days so very much and I will miss this special puppy and me time when the holidays come to an end this weekend.
I have been able to make a couple of things whilst we have been up and about, I have made a lavender trio to hang in the bathroom,
They smell really nice when the breeze blows through the window and I also have a new friend looking at me from my knitting bag waiting for the rest of him to be made so that he can join his fellow animals in my Etsy store,
He is a Christmas Bear and I hope to have him in store in a week and have ordered some natural fibres in Christmas colours so that I can start to make ornaments and other decorations for the Yule season, which for every ones enjoyment is in 81 sleeps! Yup aren't you just thrilled that I have shared that little gem of information with you!
Now that I have rattled everyone who thought there was plenty of time until Santa pops in for biscuits and whiskey (that was what Santa had at my house) I will leave you with another photo of Holly enjoying her sleeping time xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
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