Monday, October 17, 2011


If you ever go to the doctor to get moles burnt off and everyone tells you that it won't hurt a bit, you will be just fine moments after it is over tell them from me they are a "Liar Liar Pants On Fire", I felt the need to capitalise the letters because of my extreme feeling on this fact. This morning I went down to the doctors to have 14, yup count 'em 14, moles removed from my "decolletage" or in real people speak between my boobage, I managed to get home without shedding a tear but I have been flat on my back trying not to touch the massive red, burned, inflamed skin area that was once white if not a little bumpy from the moles. It appears that instead of just freezing the moles there is skin burnage as well making me look like a very interesting dot to dot, maybe if I joined the dots it would make a pretty pattern, cause right now it looks bad enough that LovelyHubby winces every time he looks my way! I hope that you all have a better day, tomorrow is sure to be better. I will leave you with a couple of cute Christmassy things that I made on the weekend.

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