Sunday, October 30, 2011

This weeks busy-ness

This week has been a week of hot weather followed by cold weather followed by muggy weather which has created a "mega cold" which is sneezing it's way around school and of course at home. We begun the week with a day of 32 degree heat, which meant that after the kids came home from school we could pop down to the beach and the kids could enjoy a good old splash around in the very cool waters of the ocean that surrounds our little area.

It was determined that the water was a little too cool to spend all their time in so "sand seating" was created, but the water kept coming up into the seats so it was a battle supreme to keep the seats seatable!

It was a nice way to spend a warm afternoon and it proved to be the only day this week that we were able to do it, the next few days bought rain and cooler days and of course head colds for two of the kidslets and fever and headachey yuckiness for the other two. This is not a welcome thing as all the big exams are this week and this last week was the week of review but I have all the confidence in the world that they will be fine because at the end of the day all I ask of them is that they try their best and that is perfect for me even if their test results say otherwise.

There have been lots of doctors appointments and even a school meeting that we had to attend and then there was normal life that got in the way as well, but in between the busy moments I have been able to create this......Mum if you are reading this don't look any further down, unless you want to know what you are getting for Christmas!! It began as this, not much to look at really.

and then became this,

Still just looks like a lot of black with grey blobbies on green at this stage, but then it became a bit clearer,

It is still at the "what the heck I am making" stage, but after a bit of time on it today, the picture is much clearer!

Or maybe not, it is becoming a bit more picture and a bit less blobby bits on a green background but with a few more days it might actually look like a proper picture!

I hope that your Monday is a good one!

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