Friday, December 23, 2011


It seems hard to believe that Christmas is here already, I am aware that we have had almost 365 days to get around to doing something about it but life kept getting in the way! We did do the smart thing this year and begun buying gifts as early as September, every time we saw little things we thought the little lovelies would like we would pop them into our trolley and put it into a pile that has gradually grown to epic proportion, but the smaller things like food shopping and baking that can only be done in the few short days before C-Day has crept up quietly and is now leaning over my shoulder and whispering in my ear that I had better get a move on.

The lovelies have all been to their other parents houses these last few days which has left Lovelyhubby and myself with some time on our own, what did we do with this precious and very hard to come by time? We sat quietly in the living room watching the big t.v, knitting and reading blogs or in Lovelyhubbies case finishing a battle on his PC game sitting in the big comfy chair, and eating simple dinners except for one night when we sprang for a large special fried rice from the Chinese takeaway across the road.....yes we seem to have grown old up when we weren't looking!

Today I did manage to make 2 vanilla cakes, one is in the freezer next to the banana cake I made the other day, and the other is the base for my famous Christmas trifle, the jellies are in the fridge jellifying and the Christmas biscuits are all iced and sitting in the container ready to be devoured, minus the few that Lovelyhubby, the dog and myself munched on with our cups of tea tonight, we had to have them, quality control purposes you was for the good of the nation that we tried them....and they were yummy.....but again, it was only for quality control! Tomorrow I have to make the stuffing, peel the vegetables, make potato salad and coleslaw and put all the trifle fixings together to make the actual trifle, I have special fancy glasses for the trifles, we all stuff ourselves silly on trifly goodness and this may be the reason why I only make it once a year! The only things left to do on C-Day is pop it all into the oven and let it do it's own thing, make the gravy and remember to make the pancakes in the morning for our annual eat pancakes on the beach on Christmas morning excursion.

My mum received her cushions the other day and she was beyond wrapped with them, my dad still hasn't quite come to grips with how I made them but he seemed pretty impressed that something he helped to create can do something "pretty clever."

I hope that every one's Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, or whatever your celebration is, is a happy family filled day of joy, if you are travelling be safe and remember it is always better to be late than be the late, at least that's what my grandma used to say.

Merry Christmas xoxoxoxoxoxoxxo

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