Friday, December 2, 2011

An unacceptable amount of time to be away!

Shame on me! I have been away for a long time and will give myself a sound talking too. I would love to say it is because I have been somewhere exotic and fun like Bora Bora - I have never been there but the views I have seen have made it number one place to visit in case we ever win the lotto - it has been because of doctors appointments, kids, family life and unfortunately a great deal of pain. Normal activities have become a longer chore than usual because I seem to be a lot slower at doing them and now require a longer recovery time, with luck the new medication regime will work and I will be tickety-boo in no time!

I haven't just been resting but I haven't been able to concentrate on the Harry cushion so he is only at the 20% stage of being but I have at least been able to do some smaller projects that needed to be done:

This is for a lovely lady at the chemist who is having a baby in the next few weeks, not the same lady who works in the same store who I made the other baby stuffs for, she had a beautiful baby girl last month.

These are just some jar covers that I made because I have more jars than space in my cupboard and I thought they would look nice lined up on my counter.

These are soap socks and a face washer that smell particularly yummy when I walk past the bag that is holding all the handmade goodies that I have been making just waiting to go to the people that they have been made for.

These are just some Christmassy coasters that I made, I have no idea who to give them too, I was just testing a pattern!

We also had a birthday with LovelyHubby turning an age that I am not allowed to repeat -this means that he thinks he is now officially old and this is why it is on pain of death that I am to keep it secret- but back to the original reason as to why I shared this event of oldness! Our LovelyDoggy loves paper and cardboard tubes and after the presents of oldness were opened she shared in the joy that is paper tearing:

This is her laying on her stash of wrapping paper so that no one could take it from her until she has shredded it all to her satisfaction, she never swallows the paper she simply tears it into tiny little strips and places said strips into their own pile ready to be rolled in and then shoved on the floor for the magic pixies to come and sweep away until the next event that requires paper and more shreddy goodness!

Weekendyness approaches and will begin with some Christmas card making and some hooky goodness to make it a weekend of resting and making sure that the lounge cushions are good and comfy just in case they have become uncomfy! I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend no matter what your plans!


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