Thursday, September 8, 2011

What a day!

Today at HibiscusHouse we had a day where the alarm clock did not have to go off, and I was so very excited to sleep in a little, (no Etsy today as the sleep in one the toss!) it was truly amazing to sleep past 6:45am on a weekday! So after a little sleep in it was time to be up because Daughter1 was off to the beach with her set of friends and had to be ready to leave by 9am and Daughter2 was off to the beach with her friends and had to be ready to leave by 10am. So once they were safely off LovelyHubby and I took the two boys out for a spot of fishing and knitting -them fishing and me knitting, I love to go fishing but it is for the quiet and the beautiful vistas not the bait, hooks and fishy guts smell. The Entrance was very busy for a weekday because it seems that everyone had the same idea to take the kids out for the day instead of just sitting at home and although the weather man predicted rain it held off so it was a little cloudy but still quite mild. We had a walk around the mall to check out the park area and then went to buy bait from the Pelican's Wharf, where we became rather fascinated by the fish tank that had huge and huger (I know there is no such word but it is still quite descriptive) crabs in it.

Meet crabby 1 (huge)

Now meet crabby 2 (huger!)

I really hope that he doesn't end up on someones plate because he really was rather cute in a crabby kind of way. Then it was back outside where I had a slight encounter with a scary pirate!

Not scary really but it did require a bit of tricky maneuvering to get into his armpit! So with bait in hand a reels to the ready we headed to the spot we had chosen to fish from, I had my chair and knitting bag ready and while they fished I knit some more leaves for a teapot cover that I am making, hopefully I will be able to post some pics tomorrow of the finished cover. The boys did not catch anything but we did feed some fish because the bait did keep disappearing, after some lovely quiet time we did head home empty handed but very happy with the day, and a promise of more fishing on the weekend if the rain stays away.

I hope that everyone had as lovely a day as we did!

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